Every 9 seconds someone is affected by a Traumatic Brain Injury.
You are about to meet one of them.
Each year, the CDC estimates 3.5 million people sustain a Traumatic Brain Injury. TBI is now America's Silent Epidemic.
Learn about brain injury from a survivors point of view. Survivor's and medical professionals alike better understand brain injury.
A nationally published author before his traumatic brain injury, David draws from a lifetime of experience in his book.
Metamorphosis, Surviving Brain Injury is one of the top-rated brain injury books available on Amazon today. At 4.9 out of 5 stars, readers from around the world have shared their positive reviews.
Several years ago, David began offering a digital version of his book for FREE every March, in honor of Brain Injury Awareness Month.
David now offers his first book as a "Forever Free" digital download to anyone interested in learning more about brain injury. David's book is also Available on Amazon in paperback.
In 2013, David and Sarah founded the Brain Injury Network. The Hope Network features a free digital monthly publication, HOPE Magazine.
The Brain Injury Hope Network also includes one of the largest brain injury/concussion social networks in the world.
"There is no shortage of people in need of meaningful information relating to brain injury," shares David